Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

Friday, February 17, 2012

Conversation with Victoria at lunch

Victoria had a dr appt this week, and because she did well at it, we told her she could have McDonald's for lunch on Friday since there was no school. Then at school yesterday, she got an A+ on her test. Micah was going down for a nap, so Matt stayed home with him, and Victoria and I got to go.

About a minute after sitting down, she asked me, "Do you think I will be a good grown up?" I have no idea where she got this question from, and it was very rare, since 99% of the time she just tells us movie quotes. I told her I think she will be a great grown up, and asked her what she thought. She shrugged at the question. So, I went a different route.

Me: What kinds of stuff do grown ups have to do?
V: Cleaning and laundry and stuff.
Me: That's true, what else do they have to do?
V: Well, you have to take of Micah.
Me: That's true, but do all grown ups have kids? I was a grown up a long time before I had Micah. (I know what y'all are thinking, stop laughing.)
V: I don't know.
Me: What makes some one a grown up?
V: I have no idea.
Me: What else do grown ups have to do?
V: Get jobs. :( But I want to be a director.
Me: I know! What do you think it's going to take to be a director.
V: I don't know, a couple years I guess.

The conversation went on. It was a bittersweet conversation, and I'm not sure why. I think it's because I think about her future a lot. What will she be able to do? Where will she live? I try to just think about it, and not worry. I know for a fact that I, personally have very high expectations for her. I know she can do better than she thinks she can, so I am tough and strict with her. And she helped to remind me today why I am the way I am. I want her to be a good grown up.

1 comment:

Mike & Nancy said...

All I got out of that was that she just wants to direct.