Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

Monday, May 14, 2012

Happy 2nd Birthday Micah Bear!!

Micah Bear you could not be more loved than you are right now.  Everyday you are shown such love from your Daddy, Momma, and Sister.  Some would call it spoiled rotten, I call it loved.  :)

Micah Bear you could not be more loved than you are right now.  Everyday you are shown such love from your Daddy, Momma, and Sister.  Some would call it spoiled rotten, I call it loved.  :)

It seems that a couple of days before Micah turned two, someone snuck him a script and he was cast the role of a 2 year old.  He started having tantrums and using the word "no" quite loudly at his parents.  It happened over night and it would have been funny, had it been anyone else's kid.  Before his birthday he rarely needed to be disciplined, but he has spent his fair share of time in the time out chair recently.  Also, for a couple of months I would ask him "why he was in time out?"  And he would just say "sorry Momma."  Now when asked he tells me, "yelled at Momma."  It's pretty awesome to see his little brain getting bigger.  He has also become SUPER sensitive the last couple of weeks.  He cries all the time, and doesn't like it when we are upset, even if we aren't upset at him.  For instance, I spilled my whole glass of water on the floor, and groaned loudly.  As I was leaving the room to get a towel, Micah said, "Mommy?"  And his eyes were full of tears.  So I have learned to definitely control my emotions if possible around him.

Micah loves to be outside.  He received a water table from his Gramma for his birthday, and he loves it.  He takes all his toys "swimming."  

He loves his big sister.  Watching the two of them play makes my heart so happy.  They are learning slowly how to play with each other and take turns.  Victoria is learning that she doesn't have to give Micah everything she is playing with, and that a big sister helps her little brother with patience and sharing.  :)  However, a lot of their play times are cut short because they don't want to play what the other one is playing, and neither one gives in.  And there is no rationalizing it to either of them, so I just hang back and let them play separately. 

Micah LOVES Momma's iPad.  (

Micah still loves trucks, trains, airplanes, and buses.  At the park near our house, sometime we will be there when people are flying their model planes, and Micah will sit and watch for as long as they fly.  He picked out books at the library about airplanes and trains.  

Here's Micah with his Favorite type of trucks!!

1 comment:

Shane and Kelly Daniels said...

I can't believe he's two already! Happy Birthday Micah!