If you would have told me 5 years ago that I would have 3 kids in 5 years, I never would have believed you. Of course we went about it in an unconventional way, but I wouldn't have it any other way. The best thing about this amazing gifts from God is that they love each other so much. I hope it continues for a life time. I'm just going to give you an update on my little loves.
Victoria 15 years old
- she is so kind
- she is in 9th grade, and LOVES reading and history
- she just finished reading the Hunger Games with a friend, it's her first book that's actually at her grade level
- she loves to learn about history, World War 2 and Martin Luther King Jr. are her favorite topics
- her favorite sport is basketball
- she loves going to church
- she very rarely has meltdowns now, still has anxiety sometimes, mostly about school
Micah 5 years old
- he is so funny and smart
- he can read most 3 and 4 letter words
- loves Brody more than anyone :)
- loves Legos and builds amazing creations
- prefers to be home than out, Kindergarten will be interesting next year
Brody turned 6 months today
- a monster baby
- not a fan of not being held
- sometimes will roll from tummy to back
- loves sweet potatoes
- loves his daddy and his momma equally
Brody definitely has not been an easy baby, which has put his siblings on the back burner. I have gotten 5 hours or more of sleep in a row, maybe 5 times since he was born. He still has the breathing issue, which make for a lot of gas. Only recently has he started to take naps in his inclined bassinet. Still not sleeping in his crib. Everyone said that he would not be an easy baby, and boy were they right. However, he loves to laugh and is a joy to be around. I'm sure that for the rest of his life, he will be known as the monster baby. :)
The Glowicki Family
Christmas 2014

Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Happy 3 Months Brody Bear!
Wow! It's been awhile since I've blogged. I've been meaning to since Brody aka Biggie aka Bro Bro has been born, but funny thing is, he LOVES to be held. So I do. :)
He is 3 months and perfect. He weighs roughly 17.5 lbs. I did the "I weigh myself on the scale, then weigh myself holding the baby, then subtract the two" method.
I told you he was perfect.
- loves to smile, he saves his biggest smiles for Micah and for Daddy when he gets home from work
- loves Momma to hold him, not so much anyone else
- not a hug fan of sleeping in his bassinet, but we'll get there
- has the most epic burps I've ever heard coming from a baby :)
- has started laughing
- has kind of started grabbing things with his hands
- is not sleeping for long periods of time yet.
- loves his night cap of 2 oz of formula
I could not pick the best picture, so I put them all. Brody has an undiagnosed case of laryngomalacia - basically his larynx is floppy and when he is relaxed his breathing is crazy loud. It's very loud after eating. It will improve over time. But it is hard for him to be completely horizontal, and he likes to sit up for awhile after eating. I know this is why is having trouble sleeping. I'm sure when he is 4 he won't need me to hold him for his naps...right?
The last three months have flown by and if feels like he has been with us forever. He has been the perfect addition to our family.
Hopefully this is the first of many blog posts to come.
He is 3 months and perfect. He weighs roughly 17.5 lbs. I did the "I weigh myself on the scale, then weigh myself holding the baby, then subtract the two" method.
I told you he was perfect.
- loves to smile, he saves his biggest smiles for Micah and for Daddy when he gets home from work
- loves Momma to hold him, not so much anyone else
- not a hug fan of sleeping in his bassinet, but we'll get there
- has the most epic burps I've ever heard coming from a baby :)
- has started laughing
- has kind of started grabbing things with his hands
- is not sleeping for long periods of time yet.
- loves his night cap of 2 oz of formula
I could not pick the best picture, so I put them all. Brody has an undiagnosed case of laryngomalacia - basically his larynx is floppy and when he is relaxed his breathing is crazy loud. It's very loud after eating. It will improve over time. But it is hard for him to be completely horizontal, and he likes to sit up for awhile after eating. I know this is why is having trouble sleeping. I'm sure when he is 4 he won't need me to hold him for his naps...right?
The last three months have flown by and if feels like he has been with us forever. He has been the perfect addition to our family.
Hopefully this is the first of many blog posts to come.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
9.5 weeks in, some more to go
It has been 9.5 weeks since Matt left for Texas. It feels like both an eternity and like it was yesterday. Some days are definitely better than others, but as a whole they are pretty good.
Victoria has started swim lessons. She can swim, but she needs to get stronger in the water. And she loves to swim, so this is good for her. On most days she likes school, and I haven't had any reports lately to believe otherwise. She has good friends at school, and the work that she is bringing home looks great. Her teacher is definitely a positive reinforcer, which I like. I also hope that she pushes V out of her comfort zone too.
Victoria started a social group for her ABA a couple of weeks ago. She likes it, and I honestly don't know why, other than she does like to be around other people. There are 3 boys that are in it too, and they are all at least 2 years younger than her. But they have different lesson plans for the kids each week, and I know it will be good for her. She starts her ABA at our house tomorrow. I'm super excited. I know she is going to do great and I'm excited to have a reason to keep my house clean each week.
She is very excited for Christmas. She has asked for very little. I had her fill out a Christmas wish list of 4 wishes: something she wants, needs, will read, and will wear. She wants a US Acres (Orson Farm from Garfield and Friends) book, she needs new shoes. (She doesn't, but she said if she grows out of hers, she will need new shoes. I didn't have an argument for that, since it is true.) She will read a Warrior book series book, and will wear an iCarly shirt.
Micah is great. He really misses his Daddy, and loves to talk to Daddy on the phone and tell him about his day. His newest obsession is traffic signs and lights. He knows what red, green and yellow mean. He loves speed limit signs and stop signs. He has just started to learn the meaning of red and green arrows. Super weird, but at least he's learning.
He likes motorcycle cops, because they catch bad guys. :) He cracks me up. He loves the big jets that fly from the base.
He LOVEs to play in sand. He learns wonderful things from different TV shows. On our walk tonight to look at Christmas lights, there was a blown up igloo and he knew what it was. I asked him how he knew what it was called and he told me Little Einsteins. (sp?)
He loves musical instruments, and I think he can name about 10, and can name 3 or 4 just by listening to them.
Micah asked Santa for 4 dinosaurs and a blue present. (no idea what that means.) We have a book called The Dinosaurs Night Before Christmas and it's his new favorite. It came with a CD and he will listen to the book 10-12 times a day.
We honestly have no idea when Matt will be coming home for good. Because that would give me something to look forward too. But I am feeling very blessed to have visitors lined up after the new year, so hopefully time will fly.
Victoria has started swim lessons. She can swim, but she needs to get stronger in the water. And she loves to swim, so this is good for her. On most days she likes school, and I haven't had any reports lately to believe otherwise. She has good friends at school, and the work that she is bringing home looks great. Her teacher is definitely a positive reinforcer, which I like. I also hope that she pushes V out of her comfort zone too.
Victoria started a social group for her ABA a couple of weeks ago. She likes it, and I honestly don't know why, other than she does like to be around other people. There are 3 boys that are in it too, and they are all at least 2 years younger than her. But they have different lesson plans for the kids each week, and I know it will be good for her. She starts her ABA at our house tomorrow. I'm super excited. I know she is going to do great and I'm excited to have a reason to keep my house clean each week.
She is very excited for Christmas. She has asked for very little. I had her fill out a Christmas wish list of 4 wishes: something she wants, needs, will read, and will wear. She wants a US Acres (Orson Farm from Garfield and Friends) book, she needs new shoes. (She doesn't, but she said if she grows out of hers, she will need new shoes. I didn't have an argument for that, since it is true.) She will read a Warrior book series book, and will wear an iCarly shirt.
Micah is great. He really misses his Daddy, and loves to talk to Daddy on the phone and tell him about his day. His newest obsession is traffic signs and lights. He knows what red, green and yellow mean. He loves speed limit signs and stop signs. He has just started to learn the meaning of red and green arrows. Super weird, but at least he's learning.
He likes motorcycle cops, because they catch bad guys. :) He cracks me up. He loves the big jets that fly from the base.
He LOVEs to play in sand. He learns wonderful things from different TV shows. On our walk tonight to look at Christmas lights, there was a blown up igloo and he knew what it was. I asked him how he knew what it was called and he told me Little Einsteins. (sp?)
He loves musical instruments, and I think he can name about 10, and can name 3 or 4 just by listening to them.
Micah asked Santa for 4 dinosaurs and a blue present. (no idea what that means.) We have a book called The Dinosaurs Night Before Christmas and it's his new favorite. It came with a CD and he will listen to the book 10-12 times a day.
We honestly have no idea when Matt will be coming home for good. Because that would give me something to look forward too. But I am feeling very blessed to have visitors lined up after the new year, so hopefully time will fly.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Initial ABA appt 10/30/12
Took V to her initial ABA appt. I like them immediately because I went with one therapist and V went with another. I do not like to talk about Vs issues in front of her. She is fully aware of her weaknesses and is embarrassed to talking about them. Will I talk about them in front of her if need be, yes, but most of the time it's not necessary. I have asked people in the past if we can talk separately and they look at me like I'm nuts. So I very much appreciated the fact that they had some to hang out with her, and she didn't just sit in the waiting room. I like talking about V to people that understand her problems, have solutions, and I can tell they aren't judging her or me. And they aren't emotional. :-) I have very high hopes with this treatment and therapy for V. Also, they have a social group that meets at the center every Monday. Super exciting! I asked her if she wants to go, she said, "for sure!" So we are going to try it, and I think it's going to be worth the 30 minute drive once a week. So there ya go! And here we gooooo!!!!!!
Saturday, October 27, 2012
October 27, 2012
Matt has been gone for almost 3 weeks, only 23 to go. Really, who knows how long. No one that's who. One of the crazy things about the Air Force. You'd think after 65 years, they would know how long they need airman other places, even if those places are only 2 states away. Okay, rants done, thanks for listening.
Things have been going since Matt left. Same schedule and routine. But he is sorely missed. He used to bathe M every night. I think that the 30 minutes before bed is when he is missed most by Micah.... and myself. I love that Micah is so verbal and that he can tell me his wants, needs, feelings and hurts. But, I'm pretty sure that a fairy dies every time he says, "I miss daddy."
Micah is obsessed with Angry Birds and Bad Piggies. We are going to be taking a couple of days break for the iPad. He performed a wonderful fit while on Skype with Meme and Pots this morning, and I was the idiot Mom who just smiled and laughed. No more being an idiot for me. (don't quote me on that.) So I think iPad is going to be sick for awhile. Luckily, he has a hands on Angry Birds toy that we can play and a new Angry Birds Space coloring book, that is his night time book of choice.
One of my favorite things to do is watch him watch and interact with older kids. He was doing that at the park today, and I love it. It makes him brave to try new things at the play ground. (He is like his Momma, not a dare devil at all.) I feel like we are always on the go lately, but I know he gets a lot out of play dates. Poor kid can't spend all his time with me. He is finally gotten over his fear of the child care at the gym. He waves and says bye and plays for an hour while I work out. It is wonderful.
Victoria is doing amazing in school. I'm so excited to see the progress she will make by the end of the year. So on her IEP (individualized education program?) it says that she will go from a 1.8 to a 2.8 in math. (1st number is grade, second number is the month, so 1st grade 8th month) At her parent teacher conference, her teacher told me she is doing beginning 3rd grade work, which is a review of 2nd grade work. This is so exciting! She started reading a chapter book series "Warriors" a couple of months ago, and I feel like these books are quickly progressing her reading abilities. She LOVES them. Needless to say I'm very excited.
On Tuesday, we have our initial meeting for her ABA (applied behavior analysis). This is what she was doing the last 2 months in Washington that was AMAZING!! My prayer is that she has a therapist that is capable and Victoria likes.
Thats all for now, my computer is dying.
Things have been going since Matt left. Same schedule and routine. But he is sorely missed. He used to bathe M every night. I think that the 30 minutes before bed is when he is missed most by Micah.... and myself. I love that Micah is so verbal and that he can tell me his wants, needs, feelings and hurts. But, I'm pretty sure that a fairy dies every time he says, "I miss daddy."
Micah is obsessed with Angry Birds and Bad Piggies. We are going to be taking a couple of days break for the iPad. He performed a wonderful fit while on Skype with Meme and Pots this morning, and I was the idiot Mom who just smiled and laughed. No more being an idiot for me. (don't quote me on that.) So I think iPad is going to be sick for awhile. Luckily, he has a hands on Angry Birds toy that we can play and a new Angry Birds Space coloring book, that is his night time book of choice.
One of my favorite things to do is watch him watch and interact with older kids. He was doing that at the park today, and I love it. It makes him brave to try new things at the play ground. (He is like his Momma, not a dare devil at all.) I feel like we are always on the go lately, but I know he gets a lot out of play dates. Poor kid can't spend all his time with me. He is finally gotten over his fear of the child care at the gym. He waves and says bye and plays for an hour while I work out. It is wonderful.
Victoria is doing amazing in school. I'm so excited to see the progress she will make by the end of the year. So on her IEP (individualized education program?) it says that she will go from a 1.8 to a 2.8 in math. (1st number is grade, second number is the month, so 1st grade 8th month) At her parent teacher conference, her teacher told me she is doing beginning 3rd grade work, which is a review of 2nd grade work. This is so exciting! She started reading a chapter book series "Warriors" a couple of months ago, and I feel like these books are quickly progressing her reading abilities. She LOVES them. Needless to say I'm very excited.
On Tuesday, we have our initial meeting for her ABA (applied behavior analysis). This is what she was doing the last 2 months in Washington that was AMAZING!! My prayer is that she has a therapist that is capable and Victoria likes.
Thats all for now, my computer is dying.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Is it Monday yet....?
Confession: I have always judged parents who do not like being around their children. So let me begin this post by saying, I love being around Victoria and Micah. They both crack me up. Matt and I call them the Tweedles. Tweedle dee and Tweedle dum. In Alice in Wonderland, these two characters were silly, they broke up the monotony, and they kept you on your toes.
Now that I've said that, this week has been one of the longest in a long time. Matt left Sunday and Victoria has been on Fall break all week. We did crafts, went out to lunch, hit the book store and the library and experienced a VERY southern pumpkin patch. Micah spent a day on the couch with a fever. And all I heard all day, "Momma, want to snuggle with me?" Um, of course I do.
I'm exhausted. I enjoy it when Victoria is in school. I don't have to worry about her for 8 hours a day, because with her, you honestly never know what mood she is going to be in or what is going to set her off. Yesterday, she was a little off. I figured out why at 9 pm, she didn't take her medicine in the morning. Considering she didn't take her medicine, she did really well. But it could have been a much better day, had she taken her medicine. Today, we went to the library. It seems that every time we go they don't have or can't find a book that she finds through a search on the computer. She spends 50% of the time we are there looking at the library catalog online. Last time she got upset, and I can't remember all of the details, but it wasn't pretty. Today, they couldn't find one of their books that said "Checked in." She was a mess. We talked about it on the way home. We talked about being flexible. And I told her that she's not being punished, but I'm not taking her back to the library until we can make sure that she can handle going. (This is going to be something we discuss with her therapist, whenever they call back....) We then talked about how to focus on the good things. (Very Pollyanna of me, I know) Long story short, I need her back in her ABA soon. They are working on scheduling her, or that's what I've been told.
For those of you lucky few who have met Victoria, you probably know that she loves to tell funny quotes from cartoons. And you usually know one is coming, because she will start giggling out of the blue. Then she says, "Know what's funny." Today on the way to the library she started giggling, and I was about to tell her to hold on, because I was pulling into the base's gate, but Micah said, "What's funny, Sister?" Victoria started to tell him, and then said, never mind. And said, "Katie, know what's funny?" I said, "No, but your brother wants to know." And I'm pretty sure I told her it wasn't very nice that she didn't finish telling him, when he wanted to know. So she told Micah the quote. And the last part of the quote was (crap, I can't remember, so I'll use xxxxx.) So the last part of the quote was xxxxx. Then she said, "Isn't that funny Micah?" Micah repeated, xxxx. And she said, "Yeah, isn't that funny?" then we heard crickets. (I promise this story is very funny and sweet in my head.)
Oh Micah Bear. My goal this week was for him to learn about the letter A. We did a little bit here and there. But like most of my plans, it didn't work out, but other things did. (I guess I better do a little planning next time.) He knows his left from his right after this week, and he knows that a Stop sign is an octagon and it's where cars stop. So I'm going to consider this week a success.
Now that I've said that, this week has been one of the longest in a long time. Matt left Sunday and Victoria has been on Fall break all week. We did crafts, went out to lunch, hit the book store and the library and experienced a VERY southern pumpkin patch. Micah spent a day on the couch with a fever. And all I heard all day, "Momma, want to snuggle with me?" Um, of course I do.
I'm exhausted. I enjoy it when Victoria is in school. I don't have to worry about her for 8 hours a day, because with her, you honestly never know what mood she is going to be in or what is going to set her off. Yesterday, she was a little off. I figured out why at 9 pm, she didn't take her medicine in the morning. Considering she didn't take her medicine, she did really well. But it could have been a much better day, had she taken her medicine. Today, we went to the library. It seems that every time we go they don't have or can't find a book that she finds through a search on the computer. She spends 50% of the time we are there looking at the library catalog online. Last time she got upset, and I can't remember all of the details, but it wasn't pretty. Today, they couldn't find one of their books that said "Checked in." She was a mess. We talked about it on the way home. We talked about being flexible. And I told her that she's not being punished, but I'm not taking her back to the library until we can make sure that she can handle going. (This is going to be something we discuss with her therapist, whenever they call back....) We then talked about how to focus on the good things. (Very Pollyanna of me, I know) Long story short, I need her back in her ABA soon. They are working on scheduling her, or that's what I've been told.
For those of you lucky few who have met Victoria, you probably know that she loves to tell funny quotes from cartoons. And you usually know one is coming, because she will start giggling out of the blue. Then she says, "Know what's funny." Today on the way to the library she started giggling, and I was about to tell her to hold on, because I was pulling into the base's gate, but Micah said, "What's funny, Sister?" Victoria started to tell him, and then said, never mind. And said, "Katie, know what's funny?" I said, "No, but your brother wants to know." And I'm pretty sure I told her it wasn't very nice that she didn't finish telling him, when he wanted to know. So she told Micah the quote. And the last part of the quote was (crap, I can't remember, so I'll use xxxxx.) So the last part of the quote was xxxxx. Then she said, "Isn't that funny Micah?" Micah repeated, xxxx. And she said, "Yeah, isn't that funny?" then we heard crickets. (I promise this story is very funny and sweet in my head.)
Oh Micah Bear. My goal this week was for him to learn about the letter A. We did a little bit here and there. But like most of my plans, it didn't work out, but other things did. (I guess I better do a little planning next time.) He knows his left from his right after this week, and he knows that a Stop sign is an octagon and it's where cars stop. So I'm going to consider this week a success.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
10/7/12 ~ 5 months and counting
It is only 10:30 am, and it feels like I've had a 18 hour day. Before church this morning, the kids and I said goodbye to Matt for at least 5 months. I know, I know, he's only going to Texas. But he's not here and that's what matters to me. I'm excited that we will be able to Skype every night, and I can call him if I need him. I also like the fact that we had less than a week to say goodbye, usually we have to drag it out for a couple of months. I like this better, because I doesn't seem real and will take awhile to sink in. And by then I'll be too busy to be upset. :)
We had a couple of churches to choose from when we moved here. There was one 10 minutes away and one 25 minutes away. The one that is 25 minutes away is where Micah is going to go to school in a couple of years. We visited both churches and lets just say the one closest to our house had an average age was just a little bit high. So we became members of the one a bit further away, and I could not be happier. Turns out there is a special needs Sunday School class for Victoria. Victoria went for the first time today. One of the teachers is the Kindergarten teachers at the school and has her Masters in Special Education. She said V did great and she said it was a pleasure teaching Victoria because she has so much passion for learning about Jesus and the bible. (As if my day wasn't emotional enough, it was beautiful to hear.) I took Micah to Sunday School also. There were 11 kids in his room and they had a story, craft, coloring page, singing and a prayer. I stayed with Micah to get him used to it. But it was so fast paced I think in a couple of weeks, he'll be able to go by himself. It was a wonderful day at church today. I love having the confirmation that this IS the church that we need to be at.
Victoria is doing well in school. She has had a couple nights of math homework which totally overwhelms her. I have learned that she is good at Math and has a lot of good problem solving strategies for solving problems, but I think that she gets overwhelmed with the amount of problems. So I think this is something that I will talk with her teacher about. It seems that she has a lot of one on one instruction at school, which is a good thing. I do not think she is enjoying being mainstreamed for science, PE and lunch, but I am not at all about to pull her out of it. I think it's good for her to learn that sometimes teachers can't focus 100% of their attention on her. Plus, it's only been a month, so I'm hoping that she learns to enjoy her time there.
On Friday, she had a Special Olympics event at a park. I was unaware of the fact that it was a Special Olympics event, since her permission slip said that her class was going to the park to play bocce ball. I am going to let the teacher know that I would like to know about these events so that I can meet them there.
I'm excited to see what I can accomplish in the next couple of months. There is some organizing around the house that I want to do, swim lessons for V, lots of play groups for Micah, and some serious gym time for myself.
We had a couple of churches to choose from when we moved here. There was one 10 minutes away and one 25 minutes away. The one that is 25 minutes away is where Micah is going to go to school in a couple of years. We visited both churches and lets just say the one closest to our house had an average age was just a little bit high. So we became members of the one a bit further away, and I could not be happier. Turns out there is a special needs Sunday School class for Victoria. Victoria went for the first time today. One of the teachers is the Kindergarten teachers at the school and has her Masters in Special Education. She said V did great and she said it was a pleasure teaching Victoria because she has so much passion for learning about Jesus and the bible. (As if my day wasn't emotional enough, it was beautiful to hear.) I took Micah to Sunday School also. There were 11 kids in his room and they had a story, craft, coloring page, singing and a prayer. I stayed with Micah to get him used to it. But it was so fast paced I think in a couple of weeks, he'll be able to go by himself. It was a wonderful day at church today. I love having the confirmation that this IS the church that we need to be at.
Victoria is doing well in school. She has had a couple nights of math homework which totally overwhelms her. I have learned that she is good at Math and has a lot of good problem solving strategies for solving problems, but I think that she gets overwhelmed with the amount of problems. So I think this is something that I will talk with her teacher about. It seems that she has a lot of one on one instruction at school, which is a good thing. I do not think she is enjoying being mainstreamed for science, PE and lunch, but I am not at all about to pull her out of it. I think it's good for her to learn that sometimes teachers can't focus 100% of their attention on her. Plus, it's only been a month, so I'm hoping that she learns to enjoy her time there.
On Friday, she had a Special Olympics event at a park. I was unaware of the fact that it was a Special Olympics event, since her permission slip said that her class was going to the park to play bocce ball. I am going to let the teacher know that I would like to know about these events so that I can meet them there.
I'm excited to see what I can accomplish in the next couple of months. There is some organizing around the house that I want to do, swim lessons for V, lots of play groups for Micah, and some serious gym time for myself.
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