Christmas 2014

Christmas 2014

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Glowicki Family 2012

Hi Friends! Boy did 2011 fly by, I apologize for my serious lack of updates via blog. I will try to do better in 2012 starting with this update. On Dec. 31st I flew up to Anchorage to pick up Matt's daughter Victoria, so she could come live with us until August. She will be 12 in March. Until now, the longest we have had her is for 2 weeks, so we are very excited. However, you might be guessing that there is a reason for us to uproot her from her mom to come live with us. Victoria was diagnosed with Autism about 7 years ago. It seems that hormones and puberty to a number on this diagnosis and considering Victoria and her mom live in the middle of nowhere Alaska, she is living with us for awhile so that we can give her the medical care that she needs.

So far, Micah thinks it is amazing to have another person in the house for him to entertain. Victoria loves her little brother but is not quite sure what to do with him. Heck, I don't know what to do with him half the time. I think that Micah and Victoria getting to know each other this year will be the silver lining in her living with us.

We took Victoria to the doctor this morning to get her a well check up and to get a referral for her to see developmental pediatrics on at the nearby Army Hospital. We found out at the appt, plus Victoria had been telling us, that she has a vision problem. So we are taking her for an eye appt on Friday, and she will most likely need glasses. This could be a bit of a challenge, since Victoria already has a very low self esteem. So we have already started talking about her wearing glasses and how cool she will look in them. :)

Victoria also has trouble going to sleep at night, so with her going to be around midnight and Micah up at 6, Matt and I feel as though we have a newborn again. Who ever said parenting is easy is a liar!

Victoria is very excited to start school here, which is very encouraging. However, due to the fact that she needs Special Ed. services, we are waiting on the school district to look over her paper work, to make sure she is in the best school and class that can take care of her needs.

So far 2012 has been challenging, exciting and fun! We are definitely looking forward to the roller coaster ride this year will take us on, and hopefully I will take you on it to with this blog.

(PS these updates are for me took look back on to see progress, and for the very few people out there who want to be updated on us. :)


NHealy said...

What an amazingly positive outlook you have on life! I could take a few lessons from you in "the glass is half full" curriculum. You're an inspiration as always! Love you and your family!

Jenn said...

You are such an amazing Mommy!!! Love the update...just wish you were still in Texas :-)

Downtown Betty said...

they only advice I can give you is to treat your step-child as your own child. She will love you and hate you...just like your own child : ) A parent, any kind of parent, is a steward of the gift of life. And as with any gift, the recipient can't be choosy, or it's not a gift.